March 17, 2008


With this feature, I intend to showcase some "classic" comic-book advertisements. I feel this one is bizarre enough for a proper start:
Back cover of Fantastic Four #190


Lance Ehlers said...

I am charging you with the responsibility of posting the strips which showed Marvel superheroes subduing punks & crooks with hostess snacks, and the many assorted ads with Casper the Ghost indoctrinating children to sell Grit.

Lance Ehlers said...

Would be kind of cool if you could hack the doll so it played "Enter Sandman."

Lance Ehlers said...

Christ almighty! This guy has an entire SITE dedicated to those hostess ads!

see for yourself.

SpaceMan5000 said...

Of course we all remember those ads. The rampaging, gamma-irradiated Hulk would smash the fuck out of anything in his path, but can be subdued with a mighty Hostess Fruit Pie!

stexe said...

I am amazed by that site you referred to. I remember a few hostess ads, but I'm estimating there must be at least 150 of them complied by this guy (I'm not going to count them). And did you see this one? Holy Smokes! Too bad these kids weren't around during the tiger mauling on christmas day at the san francisco zoo.