March 03, 2008

A Solvent Collection


Lance Ehlers said...

Can you give us a little background? I'm unfamiliar with this outfit.

stexe said...

Sure, but I don't know much about him. He's a producer/remixer/composer/record label owner named Jason Amm. Besides releasing several albums of original material, he's remixed hundreds of tracks for bands on his label, Suction Records (which is why some other names are on this playlist) and frequently tours with another guy named Lowfish, the label's co-manager. My favorite of his records is "Apples and Synthesizers" (pictured above) which he dedicated to Vince Clarke. It shows.
On a related note, I just read that Yaz is touring this summer. Alright.

stexe said...

I was just unsuccessfully looking for an interview I read in some free LA weekly a couple years ago, in which he makes a memorable statement. It's to the effect of, "if you're an electronic composer who wants to try something new and experimental, trust me, don't bother." His recordings alternate between ambient soundscapes and straight up electropop.
Here are a couple other good interviews. Sure enough, in one of them he cites his two favorite records as yaz's "upstairs at eric's" and the human league's "dare".